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Word Groups - Body Words Describing People Bookmark and Share

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This exercise practises words denoting animals, which can be used with other meanings, often as verbs. Choose one word to put into each space depending on whether it is a verb or a noun. Remember to use the correct form of the word depending on its use in the sentence.

ape, cow, crocodile, dog, donkey, guinea pig, horse, lion, monkey, parrot, rat, wolf

1. The problem with genetically modified foods is that no one really knows their effect on people. We are being used as ____________________.

2. I'm fed up with ____________________ what they say. I have a mind of my own and I want to express my own opinion.

3. We used to work together, but then he ____________________ on me and I lost my job. I never want to see him again.

4. The bank said that they really regretted taking my house to pay off the loan, but I don't believe them. They're just crying ____________________ tears.

5. I don't see any difference between this new government and the last one. They're just ____________________ what they did. 

6. Typical! You just sit around relaxing and leave me to do all the ____________________ work.

7. This problem has been ____________________ me ever since I was a teenager.

8. Don't ____________________ down your food so quickly. You'll get a bad stomach.

9. He threatened me but I'm not ____________________ at all. I won't let him hurt me.

10. Who's been ____________________ around with the video controls? Nothing seems to work.

11. I did most of the work so I should get the ____________________ share of the money.

12. Can you children stop ____________________ around in here? You'll break something. Why don't you go out and play?

© Marc Loewenthal,, 2000-2010